At What Age Do Wisdom Teeth Usually Erupt?

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At What Age Do Wisdom Teeth Usually Erupt?

Wondering what age wisdom teeth start to grow in? The late teens and early twenties is the time when these third set of molars begin to grow in for most people. While many people will experience no problems at all when their wisdom teeth erupt, those who do not have enough room in their mouth will often experience what is known as a crowded mouth. This simply means that there is not enough room to accommodate the wisdom teeth growing in. When someone is in this particular situation, they will often need to have their wisdom teeth extracted.

At what age do wisdom teeth usually erupt?

According to the American Dental Association, heredity and other factors may influence the approximate ages at which children’s primary teeth are shed and their permanent teeth emerge. Even when someone does not experience any problems when their wisdom teeth begin to grow in, they may still opt to have them removed because they are difficult to clean, as they are located so far in the back of the mouth.

Do wisdom teeth hurt when they come in?

Everyone is different when it comes to how much discomfort or pain they experience when their wisdom teeth begin to grow in. Some people state that they experienced a lot of pain when their third set of molars grew in, requiring them to take over-the-counter pain medications. Others state that they only experienced a little discomfort when their wisdom teeth broke through.

How do you know if your wisdom teeth are coming in?

When someone’s wisdom teeth begin to grow in, their gums will often be sore and/or swollen and could even be bleeding a little bit. They may also experience headaches, as well as swollen glands. When someone is simply not sure whether their wisdom teeth are coming in, making an appointment with a dental professional can let them know for sure.

Can we help you?

When you know that your wisdom teeth are growing in, it is a good idea for you to keep a close eye on them. This way, you can ensure that they are growing in properly. And while a little bit of discomfort and/or pain is completely normal, if your pain is hard to bear, then you should make a dental appointment. It is possible that you have an impacted tooth or some type of infection, so it is better to be safe than sorry.

Looking for WISDOM TEETH INFO near the 95008 area? Call Campbell Smile at (408) 379-0851.

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